Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Learning Profile

During the class discussion, we are introduced to the dominance factor to decipher our individual learning profile. We had to undergo a small test that will single us out to a variety of different profiles. These profiles determined our weaknesses and explain what is best for our learning. The test shows which part of our body we usually used, including the ear, eye, hands and leg. Eventually, we are all divided into either a gestalt or a logic profile. And as for me, I am a gestalt learner. These profiles we end up having, define us how we would pay attention in class better.

I learn best when:

My sheet that I received was of a profile k, it reveals that basically I’m a visual person that would rather insist on seeing the visual instructions instead of reading through the instructions. It listed me as a visual learner who, when on stress have trouble with listening, communicating and moving. During times when I’m relaxed or easy going, these are the times where I focus better so that I can hear and communicate instructions easily. Being a gestalt learner, I tend to not stay in one place for a period of time and to move around and fidget. Also I would prefer not to follow steps-by-steps instructions and just do it without the instructions, and then when I’m stuck, I would refer back to the instructions and work. Apparently, my biggest challenge was to piece the whole picture to get through the smaller picture. Also to piece information together in a ‘linear logical manner to communicate’.

I need to

· Sit in the front row on the left side n order to use the left eye, which is the dominance factor for my part.

· A balance of art, music, movement and interpersonal skills.

· Read out loud, writing and drawing with the non-dominant hand

· When losing focus and concentration, I think that I would need to stop working for a while to relax and restart/refresh my mind. Then only work back again with a fresh mind to work and concentrate.

· Concentrate on my completing my work and not to procrastinate.

The strategies that would help me in my learning

· Through movement and focusing on the whole picture

· Having a visual model that would help me work with the subjects of the day; this would be more effective than having to read through instructions in a timely manner.

· Reading out loud slowly to fully understand instructions, and if I don’t understand it, read through it once more until I get the whole thing.

· Using diagrams and photos to show similarities and differences in things.

What I want my teachers to know is that I am a procrastinator but I do my work in a good manner that will result, eventually with quality that would be filled with my best effort. I usually hand in things late because I am lazy, sometimes and do my work after a long period of time. Also I would like to inform my teachers that I do eventually complete my work to turn it in. Another thing that I want my teacher to know is to use more visual and photos to help me follow the day’s instructions. During class, I fidget and sometimes take forever for me to concentrate and work and focus. Just do the same thing and remind me, to focus on work and also I tend to shot out of focus, but sometimes I do focus but I let my mind process through the day’s work/instructions. That is all I want my teachers to understand.

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