Thursday, February 4, 2010

Webquest, Questions, Holocaust.

Begin the web quest by opening this website:

Click on Introduction to the Holocaust and start reading on this article.

1. Explain what the holocaust is.
The Germans decides who’s in and who’s out. Why did they decide this? Who were in and who were out? What happens to those who are out?
2. Read paragraph 3 and 4. What were the Nazis plan to take out the Jewish population?
3. What happens in the aftermath?

Click on antisemitism and read this article.

4. Explain the term ‘propaganda’ and ‘genocide’.
5. The Nazi party that was led by Adolf Hitler gained popularity for their theories of racism? How did they do it?
6. In the illustration drawn by anti-Semitic children, why were the people (Jewish) drawn strangely and looked dumb while the people that past the post, were looking lively and rich?
7. “Millions bought Hitler's book Mein Kampf (My Struggle), which called for the removal of Jews from Germany.”
What does this text from paragraph 4, says?

Next go to "Jewish life in Europe before the Holocaust"

8. Before the Holocaust happen, Europe is a vastly wide populated with Jewish people and culture. Why would the Nazis want to take the Jewish population and cultures away?

Go to
"Nazi rise to power"

9. Read the article and explain how Hitler came into power. Was this the start of Hitler’s power?
10. Hitler was obviously a smart leader. How did he manipulate the public’s minds and brainwashed them into thinking that eliminating the Jews was a “good” idea?